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Toc do tai tot nhat Trinh Duyet Coc Coc + Co Rom ho tro tai cactep tin voi toc do download nhanh va on dinh quan ly tap tin thuantien Tai nhac tu zing mp3 nhacuatui nhay nnhac chuong hinh nen vatro choi tu Appstore Zing Tinhte. Bao mat toi da Trinh Duyet Coc Coc + Crom co chuc nang giup banduyet web o che do an danh ma khong luu lich su truy cap websitecua ban sau khi tat ung dung Ban co the yen tam thoai mai truy capwebsite ma minh yeu thich Day la nang duyet bao mat lich su duyet web cua ban va cac du lieukhac se khong duoc ghi lai giong nhu tren Chrome va Firefox. Duyet nhanh hon Chuc nang goi y tim kiem duoc cung cap boi congcu tim kiem Google giup ban tim ra website muon truy cap nhanh honthong minh hon. Tiet kiem du lieu giam toi da du lieu can dung khi duyet va cochuc nang giup ban khong tai anh hoac chan cac loai banner quangcao tren bao mang ngay roi mat. Apache License, Version 2.0: - Trinh duyet Coc Coc la trinh duyet mien phi tot cho dien thoai didong andorid va may tinh bang Hay Tai ve va dung thu trinh duyettot nhat cho may tinh bang Trinh Duyet Coc Coc + Co Rom cung cap cho nguoi dung trai nghiemduyet web tot hon thong minh hon Tinh nang noi troi cua trinh duyet Navigation Tips: - Long-press the back button to exit the browser - Long-press a link to open in a new tab - Don't forget to look into settings for other stuff!ĭisclaimer: This app is licensed under the Apache License. Web Browser with the latest security and privacy features to helpyou stay safe on the internet. Advanced Settings - Uses the Native JavaScript and WebKit Engine so file size issmaller It is a high-performance small-sized Internet browser built forthose who don't want the cumbersome size of Firefox orChrome. Advanced Gesture feature - Sharing - Super-easy and intuitive ways to share mobile contentsthrough Facebook, Twitter, Email, SMS and other social mediachannels. COCCOC HOA HOC FULL
★ Bookmark your favourite websites on your browser ★ Browse faster with accelerated page loading ★ Save data costs in 3G/4G mode ★ Full screen ★ Visit history. Private browse the web without saving any browserhistory. Clean interface, Fast speed ★ Tabbed Internet Browsing Incognito Mode. ★ Homepage, Bookmarks, History manager ★ Small Footprint ★ Full-screen mode ★ Quick search: Google, Yahoo, Bing, DuckDuckGo, Baidu (chineses ),Yandex, Coc Coc, and other default search engines ★ User Agent settings ★ Fast. ★ Book Reader Mode - Read more comfortably at night. ★ Smart Downloading - Supports multiple, background ★ Incognito Browsing - Incognito browsing protects yourprivacy. This is no doubt that Trinh Duyet Coc Coc + Co Rom is the fastestbrowser ever Powerful Corom - Coc Coc Features: ★ Fast Browsing - Faster browsing mode for time and data usagesaving.
Corom - Coc Coc is a lightweight browser especially useful to usersof Android phones with lower specs and less storage space, butstill packed with great features.